age of earth
Age of earth
:- Many philosophers have speculated on the age of
earth & their estimate vary from one another in a great range.
The age of the earth has been determined from
a) Evidence
from the evolutionary changes of animals.
b) Evidence
from the rate of formation of sedimentary rocks i. e. average rate of deposition,
thickness of sediment in oceans.
c) Evidence from salinity of sea water.
d) Evidence from rate of cooling of the earth.
e) Evidence from disintegration of radioactive elements.
This is modern method of determining age of earth.
The earth is an continuous state of change. The
total amount of changes as for produced & the rate of changes are
calculated.Then it is possible to determine the age of earth by formula.
Age of
earth = Total amount of changes / Rate of changes.
Since the beginning of 19th century the
attempts were made to solve the problem of age of earth. On the scientific basis
following are the methods.
1) Physical
method. 2) Geological
3) Astronomical method. 4)
Chemical method.
Physical Method: - Hord Kelvin, the great English physicist
regarded that earth is loosing heat & getting cooler the age of earth
determined 20 – 40 M. yr.
Geological Method:-
a) Sodium deposit in sea. Total salt of sea
3.5 % by wt. 75 % of salt is Na. Total amount of Na in it 16 x 1015.
The annual increment through being river is of order of 16x107 tones. 10
million yrs.
Many serious objections are:-
1) Annual rate of
addition of Na may not be uniform.
2) All
Na may not be in dissolved state.
Sedimentation: - Varred sediments, homglass method. Sir
Geikie determined the age of earth by calculating the thickness of geological
formation are dividing the result by assuming rate of the deposition of
sediment. But this is an unreliable method because of rate of sedimentation
extremely variable.
Biological Evolution Method: - This method is still vaguer
& often to criticism that other organisms have evolved from simplest to
animal cules to present state.
Astronomical Method: - According to Jeffery all planets
are of same age this method is based on ocentric the orbit of planet mercury.
Chemical Method: - This method is most reliable since they
are based upon the changes & unaffected by the temp. & pressure, radio
active etc. The radioactive elements have remarkable properties of self
disintegration ultimately resulting in new stable element.
The principle radioactive
isotopes are U238 , U235
, Th232 , Pb
87 , K40 Pb206 Ar40 Sr87
Half life is the time
taken by radioactive element to decay it’s half the amount.
1) Helium
Method: - U238 -------------à Ra226 + 3He . One gram of uranium
gives one ccs of the He in 8.8
2) Lead
Method: - Uranium – lead ratio is more accurate than uranium – Helium.
-----------à Ra226 + 3 He4 ------------à Pb206 + 8 He 4
One gram of uranium gives 1 c c lead in 7600 mg.
3) Alkali
Method :-
|---------- Ca 40
K 40 ---à|
|---------- Ar 40
Age of earth is 4550 million yrs.
4) Radioactive
Method: - Radioactive dating is the determination of age of radioactive carbon.
This method has got great over other method.
Radioactive C
14 is formed is the atmosphere by collision of cosmic rays (neutron) with
atoms of Nitrogen N 14. In turn each C 14 nucleus losses a
β particle. Α is transformed back into N14 the rate of decay is such
that the half life is 5570 yrs.